
The Icknield Primary School

Thrive and achieve together!

Religious Education (RE)

Religious Education

Subject Leader - Rebekah Auty

National Curriculum

The National Curriculum states that "All state schools are also required to make provision for a daily act of collective worship and must teach religious education to pupils at every key stage. " 

Religious Education at Icknield
At Icknield, we teach Religious Education (RE) using Cambridgeshire's Agreed Syallabus, which was published in 2018. Within it, it gives us guidance of what teachers should be teaching and when. It states that the RE curriculum should be based around Christianity and the five other major religions, other world faiths and beliefs including no faith. Although we teach many RE lessons as discrete lessons, we will often try to make cross-curricular links, sometimes teaching it within English, PSHE, Art, etc.