Thrive and achieve together!
All children are unique and special and have different learning needs. We strive to ensure that the needs of all children are met appropriately. Sometimes it becomes apparent that a child has specific needs, either because he or she has a learning difficulty, physical disability or because he or she is gifted or talented in certain curriculum areas. In such cases we work closely with parents to identify the best sources of guidance and support.
Our school aims to be an inclusive school. We strive to give all our children a sense of belonging, to make them feel happy and to enable them to look forward to their school day. Every child is different and we view differences as an opportunity for adults and children alike to learn more about ourselves.
Ways in which we aim to foster our inclusive community include:
Anglian Learning is the Admissions Authority.
Please refer to the Cambridgeshire County Council information regarding applying for a school place; the link can be found below.
If your child has a disability he or she will be treated no less favourably than other applicants for admission. If your child has an EHCP and you are requesting an in-year application, we will follow the consultation process as set out by the Statutory Team. We make reasonable adjustments to ensure that pupils with disabilities are not placed at a substantial disadvantage.
Access arrangement are described in more detail in the SEND policy. The school has a policy for supporting children with special educational needs which is revised every year. This policy is available in the school office and in the Documents below. Our aim is for all children to have access to all aspects of school life, as far as is reasonable and practicable. We aim to prevent disabled pupils in our school being placed at a substantial disadvantage. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that people with a disability are not treated differently without lawful justification. We will make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils and work together with professionals including Occupational Health, Physiotherapy and the School Adaptation Team to create an accessible environment.
We will know we have succeeded when disabled pupils are participating fully in school life.
Working Together
In order for effective partnership working between home and school to take place, we anticipate that parents will want to:
We have a team of highly skilled Teaching Assistants who support in classes across the school to enable all children to access the teaching and learning. Staff also run a range of targeted intervention programmes to close the gap between those achieving lower than their peers. Selection for these programmes is made by the class teacher. Where pupils are assessed as requiring additional support this discussed with parents at progress meetings. Our aim is to develop independent learning in our children, whatever their needs.
We are working under the 2015 SEND Code of Practice. Parents may find the SEND Guide for Parents and Carers a useful place to get more information regarding the recent legislation. Copies of all documents referenced can be found below.
Our SEND Lead is Mrs Rachel Holt who can be contacted on or through the school office on 01223 508750