
The Icknield Primary School

Thrive and achieve together!


We are a busy and friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up-to-date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our new school website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have or with any suggestions for information you would like to see on it.

Welcome to The Icknield Primary School!


Thank you so much for taking the first step towards choosing Icknield Primary School as your child’s future primary school. Whether you are a prospective Reception Class parent, an in-year applicant, coming from abroad or a parent who is thinking about choosing The Icknield Primary School again – a huge welcome from us all here at Icknield! We know that making the decision about the best school for your child is one of huge significance because the changes that your child will encounter from Reception to Year 6 are many: they will learn to read, write, handle numbers, make secure friendships and to work as a team.  These are all key milestones and are crucial to your child being ready to start their secondary education. At Icknield, we aim to provide the right environment for these skills to develop in order to establish the foundations necessary for a successful future. We believe wholeheartedly that we are the best setting to achieve this for our local community.

One of the things that makes us so unique is the incredible staff who work at Icknield. We have a strong team of committed and talented teachers at various stages in their careers. These dedicated professionals teach everything from early phonics through to algebra. Our teachers work so hard to make learning come to life and this is evident in their creative approaches to teaching which utilise the school and local environment as much as possible.  Working in every class are a strong group of teaching assistants who assist learning for key individuals or groups.  In every corner of the school are staff who care about Icknield and who are striving to make us the best school we can be – from the friendly ladies in the office to the cooks who are passionate about healthy meals.


We put our pupils at the heart of everything we do.  We value each child’s unique contribution to our school community; every child is special and brings their own personality, skills and talents to our school which we celebrate and build upon. We search to find the brilliance of each child and polish it until it sparkles. We look to develop all aspects of our pupils’ achievement through our focus on academic, creative, sportive and social goals within lessons. What the children learn in school during the day is closely linked to what is they do in our after school provision, expertly managed by Premier Education. In more normal times we also have lunchtime clubs, extra-curricular activities and individual musical instrument tuition. Each child is taught according to our school values, enabling them to develop the skillset to be responsible individuals for now and the future – and we could not be prouder of the young people they develop to be.

You only have to walk into our building to see that we are a community school, working in partnership with parents, governors and the local community. Teachers build excellent partnerships with parents, the leadership team is available to talk to every day and we work hard to involve parents in their children’s learning. We do this through assemblies, events and great communication.

Our Governing Body are a strong team of passionate volunteers who challenge the school in our constant drive for school improvement and we are well supported by our Friends of Icknield Primary School who raise money for us so we can give children as many magical experiences in their primary years as possible – from trips to iPads, laptops, books for the library and even a nature hotel!

Ofsted came in 2018 and judged us as to be a ‘Good’ school in every area.  Our children leave school happy and ready to take the next step on their (hopefully) lifelong educational journey. Our outcomes are fantastic and above national average. Our progress for reading and maths is well above average. This matters because it means we take our children further along from their starting points than most other schools do.  We are particularly proud of this and know that it is down to the huge commitment and energy shown by every member of staff, the support we receive from our families, the local community and our strong values which underpin everything we do.

If you would like to know more about our school, please contact the school office and we will be pleased to speak to you. 


Mrs Diane Mitchell


